Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Cynthia von Buhler Font - Let's Celebrate 5,000!

AS PROMISED: To download the font CLICK HERE and download away. Feel free to take my songs and vintage tv ads that are in there too. Cheers!


I love antique-looking fonts. It's hard to find a perfect one, so I drew my own for the book Evelyn Evelyn, A Tragic Tale in Two Tomes. It was turned into a font by Dark Horse Comics. I am offering it for free to all of my followers and friends on Twitter and Facebook. I'm only two dozen fans away from 2,000 followers on Twitter and 3,000 friends on Facebook. Let's celebrate 5,000!

If you follow me on twitter retweet this tweet:

Please RT: My next 23 followers (& all current followers) will be given the @CynthVonBuhler font used for @EvelynEvelyn. http://cynthiavonbuhler.blogspot.com/2011/07/cynthia-von-buhler-font.html

If you friend me on Facebook share this link: http://cynthiavonbuhler.blogspot.com/2011/07/cynthia-von-buhler-font.html I'm 27 friends away from 3,000 on Facebook. When I reach 3,000 friends I will give it to all of my friends. I do not have a fan page on Facebook yet. I'm waiting until I reach the capacity of friends you can have (5,000) and then I will start one.

This is a limited offer. Soon the font will only be available for sale. If you use the font in a publication you do not need to pay me a fee, but you do need to give me credit as the creator. --Cheers, Cynthia von Buhler

Life. Death. Repeat. A Cynthia von Buhler Interview

Cynthia von Buhler chatting with author Neil Gaiman.

Bryan Reesman interviewed me for his popular blog Attention Deficit Delerium.

Some artists are difficult to pigeonhole, and that’s a great thing.
I have known Cynthia von Buhler for fifteen years, from her earlier performance art days with the female dominant, fetish-oriented group Women Of Sodom and her beguiling, edgy and romantically inspired painting to her expanding career path as both a graphic novel artist and children’s book author and illustrator. While she certainly possesses a very distinct style, Cynthia is not that easy to categorize. She has worked in the visual arts and music. That diversity also extends into her life — she occasionally hosts really fun parties populated by a wide variety of equally eclectic people. Her recent summer bash at her woodland compound in Connecticut featured a live play that was an improvised mash-up of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang performed outdoors near midnight. She played Snow White. No matter what she works on, Cynthia brings her own unique perspective into the project, and she likes to challenge people’s perceptions and expectations.

Cynthia von Buhler drawing a page from Evelyn Evelyn: A Tragic Tale in Two Tomes. Photograph by Seth Kushner.

Cynthia’s work has run the gamut of extremes, from two feline-friendly children’s books (The Cat Who Wouldn’t Come Inside and But Who Will Bell The Cats?) to colorful, striking paintings with unusual mixed media elements (such as fruit, a half-melted candle, even a syringe) to a vending machine display called Cynth-O-Matic, which dispensed packaged samples of her body hair and various fluids. (Seriously.) Some of Cynthia’s recent and upcoming projects include illustrating the Evelyn Evelyn graphic novel A Tragic Tale In Two Tomes, a children’s chapter book and a graphic novel about her grandparents.
Read the interview HERE.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Kali Goddess

My Kali goddess painting which was commissioned by US News & World report has been used again. This time it is the cover of a new poetry magazine called A Gathering of the Tribes.

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

There's A Melancholy Mermaid Swimming In My Lake

Mermaid swimming, film and song remix by Cynthia von Buhler. I needed music for my mermaid tail swimming collage and this song by Amanda Palmer and Jason Webley seemed perfect. I illustrated the forthcoming graphic novel written by them titled Evelyn Evelyn, A Tragic Tale in Two Tomes. The book will be released in October by Dark Horse Comics. Pre-order the book on Amazon now. More info on the book and this music can be found here: http://evelynevelyn.com Note 1: This song remix was not authorized by my friends Amanda & Jason, but I don't think they'll mind. Note 2: This was shot on an iPhone (thank you Alex Farhang) and was manipulated into a film in iMovie.